Why Higher Women

Talent Search Made Easy

We designed HigherWomen to make it easier for you to find the female talent you need – including gaining valuable input at every step from employers and meeting planners like you. You’ll also find tips and tools for recruiting, retaining and promoting women – including the hard stuff people often don’t want to talk about but that makes the difference.

You can find women of all levels of experience across all fields, especially in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields, across the United States and around the globe. These are women who want to advance their careers, who bring innovative thinking, and who want to work with companies and organizations that value having talented women on their teams.

These are women who especially want to work with and support companies that support the advancement of women and are putting their recruitment efforts where their values are – these are companies that do more than sponsor events for women, they actively are changing how they do business to be more female-friendly and to >hire, retain and promote more talented women.